17 August 2009

dalam hati yg lara.. Allah Taála telah menghadiahkan aku sebuah pengharapan..
thank You, Allah..
for understanding ur stupid servant here..
i met a postgrad, and my jr. who i thought was avoiding me.. but yet, it was her who greet me..
and also another jr. who i love (i hope this is sincerely becoz of Allah), and not met for more than a month. and again, it was she who greet me..

bila hati tidak mahu jupe rakan, tapi hati dikibar dgn satu pengharapan pada msykt luar.

biarlah mereka x mau amik aku.
biarlah aku bergerak sendiri.
asal aku tahu, diri ini milik Ilahi.
diri ini tidak perlu menunggu mereka, kerna ia hanya melambatkan diri dalam jalan ini.

I am doing it for my love to dis deen, my love to Him.
Help me Allah, to be stead fast on the tru path with the purest sincerity in this heart.

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